mandag den 18. oktober 2010

Some CF stuff

The previous posts are taken from my blog at a cystic fibrosis forum I frequently visit. There are some typing errors, which I mean to get round to correcting... :o)

When I was first diagnosed, people used to ask me if it's serious, and I used to say no, not that serious, I mean it's "mild" CF. It's not CF. But now I've come to realize that I do have CF, it's mild, but CF is CF.

Today is my first day back at work after being away sick for 3 weeks, the last two weeks on home IV's. My first. The one I had in the Faroe Islands, was not completely a IV, as I didnt have a picc line inserted. I started the IV treatment, after a summer of feeling not 100 percent, and being on numerous antibiotics that didn't get rid of my dark green phlem. So my doctor decided to try IV, and it helped. I feel much better now, and hope it continues.

At my latest clinic visit my FEV1 was at 84, it's usually around that. Before starting IV, and being admitted, it had dropped down to around 76, huge leap actually. Now it's back up to normal. I intend to keep it there and/or increasing it. I need to do more exercise, I'm a lazy CF'er unfortunatly :o/

My doctor mentioned that he wants me take a sugar test, to check for CFRD. He doesn't think I have CFRD, I hope not, becasue I am PS.

I am currently taking sinisitus treatment, as after leaving the hospital (I was in for 3 days, to learn how to inject the IV treatment) I caught a bit of a cold, and wanted to avoid a sinus infection. I am finishing the treatment soon.